[Salon] Israeli Settlers Set Fire to Palestinian Fields in West Bank, Reports Say - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Here is some news to cheer our own National Conservative (honorary) Settlers, waging “ideological/cognitive war” in the U.S., in support of the most extreme of Israel’s National Camp. Ethnic cleansing can accelerate even faster when they get Trump/DeFascist in as POTUS, as it already did under Trump I. Just as Willmoore Kendall, and his fellow National Review editors of the Conservative Movement worked so zealously at protecting the KKK and other Southern Segregationists with the patina of ideological “respectability” they provided them during the Civil Rights era. With some later reassessing that, as Wallace himself did, and recanted, as did Buckley, though how sincere in the latter is dubious. 

One who didn’t went off to teach at the University of Dallas under the influence of Leo Strauss and Harry Jaffa, though who’s to say what would have happened after 1967 had he lived. But all we have in the absence of his actual resurrection is his political theory writings. Which is exactly what is ordered by those ideologically “resurrecting" those political ideas, in the age of the New Right of Trumpism/DeFascism, as perfect for the “Democratic Fascism” of the "New Right,” and the National Conservatives promoted so zealously by The American Conservative magazine, fully "in bed” ideologically consequently, with their fellow Settlers here. How long before U.S. National Conservatives begin making “political pilgrimages” to Israeli settlements? Perhaps a NatCon conference is due in a settlement in the West Bank, if there hasn’t been one there already?

Israeli Settlers Set Fire to Palestinian Fields in West Bank, Reports Say

The incident is the latest in a series violent attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank over the past few months

A fire near an olive grove in the West Bank village of Burin, on Saturday.

A fire near an olive grove in the West Bank village of Burin, on Saturday.

Israeli settlers set fire to Palestinian agricultural fields in a village south of Nablus in the West Bank, Palestinian media reported on Saturday.

The Shehab news agency published footage of several masked men running down a hill near the village of Burin near the Yitzhar settlement, where the incident took place.

On Tuesday, Israeli settlers escorted by IDF soldiers broke into Palestinian homes in the West Bank villages of Tuba and El-Abid in the southern Hebron hills.

According to the Palestinian homeowners, one of the settlers was armed and others broke into storage closets and stole equipment. The incidents were recorded on video.

Earlier in July, the Palestinian Health Ministry reported that four Palestinians were injured in an attack by settlers in the village of Thulth near the Ma'ale Shomron settlement in the West Bank.

Settlers break into a Palestinian home in Tuba on Tuesday.

Settlers break into a Palestinian home in Tuba on Tuesday.

In June, numerous cases of settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank occurred. A day after the deadly shooting attack nearby the Eli settlement, where four Israelis were killed, approximately 200 settlers, some armed, set fire to houses and vehicles in the Palestinian village of Turmus Ayya in the central West Bank, as well as agricultural areas on the outskirts of the village.

A few days prior, settlers from the Yitzhar settlement set fire to a school in the Palestinian village of Urif. Additional settler rampages occurred in the Palestinian villages of Jalud and Karyut.

Settler violence is common in the south Hebron Hills. In 2021, dozens of settlers entered the village of Khirbat al-Mufakra throwing stones and injuring a toddler. In 2020, armed settlers broke into Palestinian homes in Masafer Yatta and attacked residents.




From reading this propaganda rag you wouldn’t know that Palestinians set fire to Jewish owned fields yesterday - https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sj5dzd11sn

You’d think it’s all Jews acting out all the time and the poor Arabs aren’t doing anything

Anyway, Jack, you’re a propagandist, not a journalist



You're not a victim. You're committing crimes like they are. You are the same as the Palestinians, just as evil.



What’s my crime? Fact checking your little propagandist?



B, Israeli settlers who commit pogroms are the new KKK. They wear masks like the KKK. The use disproportional violence like the KKK. They terrorize innocent women and children like the KKK. Look into the mirror B. If you’re defending these terrorists then what does that say about you??? Shameful!



if you want to see something like the KKK, look up the costumes Hamas and Fatah wear



Don’t forget the Klan was a fringe organization - Hamas and Fatah enjoy widespread support in the Arab and Muslim world. They’ve also killed more innocent people than the Klan ever did. If comparing how many children they’ve murdered, there is no comparison - the Palestinians take home the child murdering trophy.

Blathering kiddy fascist


Face reality, fool, no one wants to read your tripe. Go stick your depraved head in your local commode and flush repeatedly.



@B Don't forget that Israel was born with ethnic cleansing and massacres followed by the theft of most of the Palestinian land. Yesterday the Israelis poured cement down the wells in a Palestinian area. Israel is a racist county cited by human rights groups and by two Israeli former ambassadors to South Africa of practicing apartheid. Apartheid is a crime against humanity.

No American would put up for an instant being treated like Israel has treated the Palestinians for over 56 years.



The main ethnic cleansing and massacres were Arabs killing Jews and sending Jews to their death for seeking refuge in their own homeland. I agree that we should not forget this, and that it is past time to hold Arabs accountable for their decades of oppression and genocide against Jews. You seem like a caring person, Jan, so I know you know this to be true in your heart, wether or not you will admit it on this blog.



B, I’m afraid you’re living in an alternate universe. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have diligently assessed the situation. I urge you to read their reports. EU countries and the vast majority of UN countries agree. The whole world can’t be wrong.

in reality you are a dumb racist SOS


Uninterested in facts, just your bigoted fascist point of view.



There is nothing more bigoted than the way Arabs treat Jews.


Carol Scheller


Israel today.Totally scary. Stay away !


21:21Carol Scheller

@ Carol....

violence is Israel today, israel yesterday and israel tomorrow

UNLESS there is massive reckoning, legal intervention, restitution and Peace negotiations on behalf of the Palestinians.

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